Fields of Mistria Wiki

Caldarus is a character in Fields of Mistria.





The Player unknowingly enters a pact with the dragon guardian after repairing a broken statue of them. Caldarus enters the player's dream the night of Spring 2, and requests the Player bring them Essence. In return, the Player can upgrade their Skills at the statue. Caldarus is implied to be very old, and has been asleep for an unspecified amount of time; it is further implied that this and the seals within the Mines contribute to their memory problems. They refer to the Player as 'mortal', implying they are immortal (or at least unaging)[1].



Loved Apple Honey Curry, Fried Rice, Harvest Plate, Seafood Boil, Seafood Snow Pea Noodles, Spring Galette, Statuette of Caldarus, Sushi Platter, Veggie Sub Sandwich
Liked Beet soup, Breath of Fire, Chili Coconut Curry, Caldosian Chocolate Cake, Coconut Cream Pie, Crab Cakes, Fish Tacos, Golden Cheesecake, Golden Cookies, Ice Cream Sundae, Incredibly Hot Pot, Lobster Roll, Mushroom Steak Dinner, Perch Risotto, Ore, Pink Diamond, Pumpkin Pie, Sea Bream Rice, Spell Fruit Parfait, Vegetable Pot Pie, Vegetable Quiche
neutral All items not otherwise listed
Disliked Junk, Bugs, Dragon part, Weird gift
Hated Unknown Dragon Statuette Unknown Dragon Statuette










  1. In-game dialogue
Fields of Mistria
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Monsters Rock Clod Rock ClodCopper Clod Copper ClodIron Clod Iron ClodSilver Clod Silver ClodEnchantern EnchanternEssence Bat Essence BatMimic MimicMushroom MushroomSapling SaplingStalagmite Stalagmite
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